Video interview on the occasion of the Artnodes special issue release
OUT NOW: Chapter in “Infrastructure Aesthetics”, ed. Solveig Daugaard, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Frederik Tygstrup
OUT NOW: Chapter in “Digitale Hermeneutik : Maschinen – Verfahren – Sinn”
UPCOMING: talk at University of Copenhagen – “Infrastructure Aesthetics”
Visiting/intermediary professor position, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
UPCOMING: talk at Aarhus University
OUT NOW: Artnodes issue no. 34: “Materiology and variantology: invitation to dialogue”
UPCOMING: Special issue of ARTNODES: “Materiology and Variantology” (co-edited with S. Zielinski)
UPCOMING: Keynote at Colóquio/Colloquium Flusser – Teoria Literária – Midialidade, PUC, São Paulo
UPCOMING: presentation at Socioecos, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao