OUT NOW: Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society 3/1 (2023). Special issue on the Weizenbaum Conference 2022: Practicing Sovereignty

Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society 3/1 (2023). Special issue on the Weizenbaum Conference 2022: Practicing Sovereignty – Interventions for Open Digital Futures, ed. Martin Krzywdzinski et al., guest editors: Bianca Herlo and Daniel Irrgang.

This special issue is dedicated to the Weizenbaum Conference 2022, titled ‘Practicing Sovereignty: Interventions for Open Digital Futures.’ The Weizenbaum Institute’s annual gathering brought together researchers, networks, and collaborators to focus on the theme of ‘digital sovereignty.’ This term, hotly debated and used with varying connotations in fields such as research, activism, law, and policy-making, refers to competencies, duties, and rights in digital societies. The contributions compiled in this issue are based on papers presented at the 2022 conference. They explore notions of digital sovereignty in tension with topics such as AI deepfakes, algorithmic governmentality, ethics and datafication in the context of machine learning, and community-driven open-access publishing in academia.