OUT NOW: Artnodes issue no. 34: “Materiology and variantology: invitation to dialogue”

I am beyond proud to finally announce the publication of the Artnodes Journal on Art, Science and Technology issue no. 34: “Materiology and variantology: invitation to dialogue”, which I had the pleasure to co-edit together with Siegfried Zielinski. To quote from the editorial statement (with an uncanny geo/political currency):

“To vary something that exists is to give it a possibility of development in the present. Variantology lives on the utopia that the reality in which we live can be changed in favour of all subjects (technology, nature, humankind). It prioritizes the joy of projection over the horror of permanent retrospection. It thrives on a logic of multiplicity and liveliness; its form of development is multiplicity.”

We are indebted to the journal editors, in particular Oriol Sole Granier and Andres Burbano, for their wonderful support and generous invitation to have us as guest editors of this issue. Of course, it would not have been possible without the wonderful contributions of our many authors – researchers, scholars, artists, activist, designers – and the support of our reviewers who helped us making these texts even better. We thank all of you warmheartedly!

All articles are available open access via the Artnodes website.

Enjoy the media-archaeological and variantological excavations!